Monitor the robots.txt of your competitors withRobotScrape

Get a daily snapshot of your competitor's data and access historical snapshots.

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Made for SEO Experts

Our tool is ideal for collecting and reviewing historical data from your competitors or monitoring your own business. Our team understands your needs and is dedicated to providing you with a precise and trustworthy solution that meets your requirements.

Quick & Easy to
get Started

Stay ahead of your competition effortlessly with our user-friendly solution. Starting tomorrow, we'll monitor the robots.txt files of other relevant websites, providing you with real-time insights. Access historical data if available, and receive raw data for customizable analysis. We offer the ability to monitor one website so that you can assess if our tool is meeting your expectations.

Chose Our
Best Pricing Plan

Discover your competitors' SEO secrets by accessing their historical robots.txt data. If we don't have the data, we'll start collecting it immediately!


Single Website

  • Daily snapshots

  • Historical data access within 24 hours

  • One-year access


Standard Business

Bulk Monitoring

  • 10 websites, discounted price

  • Daily snapshots

  • Historical data access within 24 hours

  • One-year access

  • Premium support


Pro Business

Download All Data

  • Download all collected historical data

  • Access millions of datapoints

  • Receive archived delivery

  • Premium support


a Website Now!

Begin monitoring without any initial charges. When you're ready to select a plan,
you can conveniently access the accumulated historical data at a later time.